martes, 1 de septiembre de 2020


Combinations with To with Example Sentences

Add to
Her comments will add to the uncertainty of the situation.
Admit to
He admitted to being late three times.
Answer to
answer to Ms. Smith.
Apologize to
She had to apologize to the whole family.
Appeal to
Let me appeal to you for your help in this matter.
Apply oneself to
I think you should apply yourself to getting a degree.
Ask to
She asked to see Professor Fenton.
Attend to
Chris attended to doing the grocery shopping.
Attribute to
Professor Samson attributes this painting to Leonardo.
Be resigned to
I’m resigned to not having any success in that field.
Belong to
The uniform looks like it belonged to a museum collection.
Commit to
She committed herself to find a new job.
Complain to
I’m going to complain to the manager about this.
Confess to
The boy confessed to stealing the apple.
Consent to
There is no need for you to consent to anything.
Contribute to
Please contribute to the fund for the needy.
Devote to
I’m going to devote myself to playing the piano after I retire.
Explain to
Can you explain Andrew to me?
Happen to
Something awful happened to your car.
Introduce to
Allow me to introduce myself to you.
Invite to
Have you been invited to their party?
Listen to
She listens to the radio in the car.
Look forward to
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Matter to
Other people’s opinions don’t matter to me.
Object to
object to your opinion.
Pray to
She prayed to God for an end to her sufferings.
Prefer toç
prefer roast potatoes to French fries.
React to
He reacted poorly to the news.
Refer to
referred Ken to Doctor Jones.
Resort to
Please don’t resort to violence.
Respond to
When are you going to respond to my letter?
See to
I’ll see to those chores.
Speak to
The President refused to speak to the waiting journalists.
Subject to
She subjected her daughter to swimming lessons.
Subscribe to
We subscribe to several sports channels.
Talk to
Who were you talking to just now?
Travel to
travel to work by train.

Combinations with For with Example Sentences

Account for

That accounts for his success.

Admire for

I really admire you for your courage.

Allow for

I think you need to allow for misunderstandings.

Apologize for

I want to apologize for my mistakes.

Ask for

I always ask for extra tomato sauce on my pizza.

Be for

I‘m for Mayor Martini.

Blame for

I blame Janet for the broken pottery.

Care for

I don´t care for hot weather. (I don´t like...)

Charge for

The accountant charged him $400 for his advice.

Congratulate for

All three are to be congratulated for doing so well.

Count for

Your good marks count for 50% of your grade.

Earmark for

Congress earmarked $6 million for safety improvements.

Excuse for

I can’t excuse myself for not doing it.

Forgive for

He never forgave himself for harming her.

Keep for

Would you keep my dog for me?

Pay for

Let me pay for Tom.

Pray for

I’ll pray for you.

Prepare for

A hotel room is being prepared for them.

Scold for

Rose scolded the child gently for her bad behavior.

Search for

Anan searched for a parking place.

Substitute for

Margarine can be substituted for butter in this recipe.

Thank you for

She said goodbye and thanked us for coming.

Vote for

There were 21 votes for and 17 against the motion, with 2 abstentions.

Vouch for

I can vouch for her ability to work hard.

Wait for

Wait for me!

Wish for

She shut her eyes and wished for him to get better.

Work for

He works for an engineering company.

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Pozoblanco, Córdoba, Spain